Monday, February 25, 2019

Inspiration and Ideas

Hi blog! Today in class we wanted to set a concrete idea for our film opening. Having gone back and forth for so long deciding on a genre, we knew that we were running slightly behind schedule and that our brainstorming process would take longer than we had originally thought. Even though we decided on drama for our umbrella genre during our last team meeting, we still needed to choose a subgenre that we wanted to focus on. We tried to come up with initial ideas, but felt stuck and could not think of any plot ideas. This is when Callie came up with a brilliant plan to watch some of the openings from last year that might spark inspiration.

We went to our teacher's website, where we found all the foundation portfolio projects from last year. We scrolled through the past student's blogs and watched 5 videos until we figured out the direction we wanted to go in for our video: drama with a hint of suspense. We started listing ideas that came into our head. Lauren suggested that we film a shipwreck but I pointed out that with limited resources, it would be quite difficult to create that sort of set, and also that a shipwreck might not leave room for suspense. Callie suggested that an idea of a girl running through the woods looking dirty, possibly after hiding a body in the woods of someone she has murdered, or attempting to escape a harmful situation. 

We all liked this idea, but I suggested that we develop some sort of context behind it. Since we are all teenagers and decided that our film would be about teenagers, I drew from my research about what makes a good teenage movie, and how most movies revolve around some sort of relationship. We decided that the girl in the woods would be running away from a boy whom she had recently started dating, and something went wrong in the relationship that caused it to take a morbid turn. This is still an idea in progress, so hopefully after our next meeting we will have a more developed idea. Stay tuned!!!

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